In one of the coolest, random meetings I’ve ever had at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch, I ended up discovering source site
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just how quickly a Voodoo Floss session can help in an emergency situation – specifically using voodoo floss for sprained ankles. [Be Advised: HCRBeta and Jason Clements offers no medical nor diagnostic services. In an emergency, call 911 or your doctor.]
After the first wrap it started to feel better. – Brant Hysell
We were a group of about 10 or 12 boulderers at the Loaf Boulder in Horseshoe Canyon ranch. We all just sent the classic 4-star boulder called Dig Dug. And up through the trail walks a guy with, what I thought, was a soft cast on his ankle. I thought to myself, “What a Bad Ass! Dude is out here climbing with a broken ankle.” I’ve always had a deep appreciation for anyone who pushes themselves through a difficulty.
I approached this bad-ass rock climber and asked him what happened…
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Brant Hysell.
HCRB: What is that last good book you read?
Brant: Wild – Cheryl Strayed hiking the Pacific Crest Trail
HCRB: Favorite outdoor activity?
Brant: Sport climbing followed quickly by bouldering and camping.
HCRB: What is your go to beverage for a relaxing evening?
Brant: Dale’s Pale Ale by Oskar Blues brewing company
HCRB: Few people know you are an expert at…
Brant: Experienced in weight lifting, yoga, data analytics
HCRB: Favorite one-line joke?
Brant: What do you call a cow with no legs? – Ground beef
HCRB: Last show you binge watched?
Brant: Star Wars (the movies)
HCRB: Best 3 tips for enjoying any outdoor adventures (hiking, climbing, relaxing)?
- Focus on the adventure, not the destination
- Go hard or go home
- Breathe
HCRB: What happened to your ankle just prior to our random meeting at HCR?
Brant: I was halfway into a day of bouldering and twisted it very hard when landing on the side of my crash pad.
HCRB: Short story of how you twisted your ankle. What did it look like? What did it feel like?
Brant: I twisted it when landing on the side of my crash pad after falling off of a short bouldering route. It swelled up to the size of a baseball on the side of my ankle. It felt very stiff and not mobile at all. It started to turn a bit purple as well.
HCRB: You had injured it previously – weeks ago? Share that part of the story?
Brant: I originally injured it taking a 10 foot jump onto my crash pad. I ended up twisting it very badly and I could hardly walk on it for a week.
HCRB: Was it bad enough that you saw a doctor?
Brant: The first time I ended up going to a physical therapy clinic later that week.
HCRB: Back to HCR, within how many wrappings did it start to feel better?
Brant: After the first wrap it started to feel better. It felt as though the compression of the floss helped to pump out the blood that had stagnated and create room for fresh blood to flow in.
HCRB: Within how many wrappings did you notice the swelling diminish?
Brant: After 3 wrappings with the voodoo floss, the swelling began to diminish, it also dramatically improved the mobility of my ankle.
HCRB: Your girlfriend is a nurse to a vascular surgeon, what was her initial reaction to witnessing your improvement over a few hours?
Enter Shelby Marshall.
Shelby Marshall is a Medical Assistant at Cardiovascular Surgical Clinic of Northwest Arkansas PA
Shelby Marshall: I was a little concerned it was only a quick fix. Knowing Brant’s eagerness to climb, it was a little worrisome to me that he felt such relief so quickly. After several wraps and learning the science behind it, I felt significantly more comfortable with the therapy. I was very relieved to see such improvement in a short period of time.
HCRB: What other comments did she make about the Voodoo Flossing?
Shelby Marshall: After learning more about it, the method makes perfect sense. I’ve always known and witnessed that compression, especially with significant swelling and pain, offers a certain amount of relief. It was interesting to see how tighter, temporary compression wrapping could make such a greater difference than an ACE wrap. I was very excited to share it wil the surgeons I work for and other climbing friends.
HCRB: You went on to send your hardest climb later that day – or the next day – describe the change in felt pain after being wrapped numerous times.
Brant: After continuing to wrap it, the swelling and sensitivity [to pain] decreased while my ankle mobility increased. Later that day I was able to on-sight the hardest climb to date and was able to focus on the climb instead of my ankle.
HCRB: Did you end up buying a wrap after you got back home or make one from a bike inner tube?
Brant: Yes, my girlfriend bought me the floss and I used it quite a bit the first couple weeks and occasionally now when I feel tightness. I also got the lacrosse ball which helps loosen up the bottom of my feet which makes my ankles feel more loose as well.
HCRB: What is your opinion on adding a voodoo floss band to your bouldering kit or first aid kit?
Brant: I believe that it is a great addition to bouldering kit, especially if you are susceptible to ankle twists or elbow tendonitis.
WOD Fitters might be the best Voodoo Floss for Sprained Ankles.
You can click on this image to learn more about the different kind of Voodoo Floss and Voodoo wraps that are available.
Learn a whole lot more about Voodoo Flossing in HCRBeta’s Voodoo Floss Category
Jason Clements is the founder of and writer for HCRBeta, Hike Climb Relax: How to… Jason has served as the President of the Kansas City Climbing Club where he grew the club from 100 members to 1000 members. He lives in Shawnee, Kansas and also runs the cell phone recycling company, Cells for Cells, which recycles cell phones to raise money for families battling cancer.
You can follow Jason on Facebook or on Twitter @jasonclements.
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[…] Helped a fellow climber recover from a severely sprained ankle (*climbing) […]