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just how quickly a Voodoo Floss session can help in an emergency situation – specifically using voodoo floss for sprained ankles. [Be Advised: HCRBeta and Jason Clements offers no medical nor diagnostic services. In an emergency, call 911 or your doctor.]
After the first wrap it started to feel better. – Brant Hysell
We were a group of about 10 or 12 boulderers at the Loaf Boulder in Horseshoe Canyon ranch. We all just sent the classic 4-star boulder called Dig Dug. And up through the trail walks a guy with, what I thought, was a soft cast on his ankle. I thought to myself, “What a Bad Ass! Dude is out here climbing with a broken ankle.” I’ve always had a deep appreciation for anyone who pushes themselves through a difficulty.
I approached this bad-ass rock climber and asked him what happened…
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Brant Hysell.
HCRB: What is that last good book you read?
Brant: Wild – Cheryl Strayed hiking the Pacific Crest Trail
HCRB: Favorite outdoor activity?
Brant: Sport climbing followed quickly by bouldering and camping.
HCRB: What is your go to beverage for a relaxing evening?
Brant: Dale’s Pale Ale by Oskar Blues brewing company
HCRB: Few people know you are an expert at…
Brant: Experienced in weight lifting, yoga, data analytics
HCRB: Favorite one-line joke?
Brant: What do you call a cow with no legs? – Ground beef
HCRB: Last show you binge watched?
Brant: Star Wars (the movies)
HCRB: Best 3 tips for enjoying any outdoor adventures (hiking, climbing, relaxing)?
- Focus on the adventure, not the destination
- Go hard or go home
- Breathe
HCRB: What happened to your ankle just prior to our random meeting at HCR? [Read more…] about Voodoo Floss for Sprained Ankles: Rock Climber Brant Hysell Shares Details