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Finger injuries are one of the worst things in the world for rock climbers. I hope you haven’t experienced nor will ever have to experience a finger injury that required surgery. Surgical repair is outside of the scope of this article. But, if you are a new climber, you may want to listen up. You CAN reduce the incidence of finger injuries by following one simple rule. Warm up. Yup. It is that simple. Warm up your fingers and you can reduce your finger strains, tweeks, and injuries. Obviously, there are other factors that can contribute to your finger health such as diet, sleep, water, previous injury, and the like; but here, we are going to focus on warming up with hand exercisers. My hope is that you can learn something from my experience to help you end finger injuries.
If you are going to spend money on a device to help you climb harder and healthier, make the GripMaster Pro Hand your first purchase. Since I started using the Pro Hand, I’ve stopped having finger injuries (*more at the end of the review). Continue Reading