I have always maintained that buying gear from your friend’s shops makes it a more enjoyable experience. Add that degree of trust, and you walk out of the store feeling like you just made a purchase of a lifetime! So, let’s make some friends: Meet Beau Belger.
Beau is one of the managers at Moosejaw on the Plaza where he works with Gracey Cockram.
When you meet Beau, ask him about how in the world he enjoys the cold weather!
Ladies and Gentlemen: Meet Beau Belger.
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Beau: My favorite outdoor activity is Outdooring, which I define as the act of being out of doors. I am a big fan of pretty much anything I can do in the great outdoors.
HCRB: What is your go-to drink in the winter? …after a workout? …when relaxing?
Beau: My favorite drink, honestly this answer holds true for all three: Coffee.
HCRB: Best book you’ve read in the last year? …best movie?
Beau: The best book I read was The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. I’d say the best movie I saw this year was the Revenant
HCRB: One place you want to travel to, that you haven’t yet? …why?
Beau: I am in the process of formulating a plan to fly into Santiago Chile buy a bike and take 6 months riding through the Andes and some wonderful wine country. Make my way down to Patagonia climb my little heart out find a way onto a fishing vessel that would take me around the Tierra del Fuego archipelago and work my way up the Argentine coast to Buenos Aries.
I think the only “why” question i need to answer here would be why haven’t I done it yet, which I can only answer by saying; school.
HCRB: Alright, Beau, why should we stop into Moosejaw to meet you? [Read more…] about Meet Beau Belger at Moosejaw on the Plaza