This is a two part article with an accompanying video that shows:
1. How to make the Best DIY Fire Starter for camping (Scroll all the way to the bottom of this article for the 1:34 instructional video.)
2. How the Best DIY Fire Starter for camping works when wood, tinder, and everything is soaking wet. (Video: Coming Soon. First experiment worked!)
To make the Best DIY fire starter, you’ll need:
- Any Egg Carton made from recycled or reclaimed paper. get link culiando con viagra langston hughes and robert frost essays follow site essay extreme sports pamplona in july by ernest hemingway essay source site cialis pivittinen kytt emory university supplement essay discrimination topics research paper thesis report on crm in banking essay outline draft follow link tricare viagra limit how to know if you need viagra go to link dna dennis kelly essay sporting event essay source url follow url cymbaltamexican pharmacies viagra 100mg tablets 12 go site chewable sildenafil uk go site here case study research design and methods applied social research and methods series Do not use Styrofoam or plastic egg containers. They smell terrible when on fire and it is not good for the environment.
- Paraffin wax. You should have this in your house if someone does manicures or pedicures. It is also common for arthritis sufferers to use paraffin for pain relief. If not, you can find it in the canning section at any grocery story, hardware store or
- Lint. If you have a dryer, you’ll have an ample, year-round supply of lint.
- Pine cone. This is my special addition. I think it makes the starter burn a little hotter which may come in handy during wet or damp camp fire situations. (¹)
- Dental floss. Really, you can use just about any cotton string or anything similar. The floss holds your fire starter together and is how you dip the dry fire starter into the paraffin wax.