REI’s #OptOutside Marketing Stunt is a Fail
Do you need a megastore telling you to #OptOutside?
REI, with $2.2 BILLION in sales in 2014, is a retail monster. They are in the same class as Worst Buy, Gall-Mart and the rest of their ilk.
So, go ahead, REI, give yourself a high-five. i need someone to write my paper women in music middle ages and renaissance essay outline go to site emmett till essay topics english descriptive essays medycyna tabletki viagra hard times essays free cialis uk only enter site see url go site go site does generic viagra sildenafil work bully definition essay on beauty viagra 100 follow url follow link click how viagra works videos planned parenthood viagra follow url follow url 11 plus creative writing course enter follow site enter site how to write a profile essay about a place [Readers, support your local, independent outdoor gear shops.]
Better Strategies for REI: Making a TRUE Difference in People’s Lives:
- Donate all profits from Black Friday sales to a charity, homeless shelter, food kitchen, etc.
- For every coat purchased at full price, REI donates a coat to a homeless shelter.
- Instead of Toys for Tots barrels at the front of each REI store; have a Hats, Scarves, Gloves, Mittens barrel to collect for those children less fortunate in their respective cities.
- Have employees take the day off and have option to volunteer at a charity of their choice…and still get paid.
- Open your new locations 100 miles away from local, independent outdoor gear shops.
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