Is the book Climbing Injuries Solved by Dr. Lisa Erikson how effective is viagra cialis lavitra
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the book that is going to help you finally become healthy, finally get over that injury, finally help you feel strong? Well, let’s just see what we see.
The first thing I really like about the book is that Dr. Erikson uses my phrase:
Don’t Be An Idiot
She uses that phrase inside the context of, “If what you have been doing to heal yourself has not been working well enough to achieve the above needs, it’s time to reinvent your strategy and find the areas in which your self-care has failed.”
The “needs” she refers to as being the “gold standard that we are all working toward” are:
- Muscles should be smooth with no knots or sore spots
- No pain when pressing on any tendon
- No pain on or between joints
- Full flexibility of fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders without fear of injury
The Super Quick Summary
There is a tear-off bookmark attached to the back cover. It has a 5 point summary. Is recovery from an injury as simple as taking action on these 5 points?
- Daily 4 minutes of self-care
- Weekly strengthening of finger and wrist extensors
- Weekly core and shoulder stability exercises
- Taping A2 and A4 for injury prevention
- Hitting frequency, volume, and intensity goals
Will YOU Do The Work?
Climbing Injuries Solved is a workbook. There are pages to fill out. There is an entire chapters that is called “Your Injury Quiz.” It is 10 pages that you must fill out. You’ve got work to do. Then, there are exercises and stretches to perform on yourself. You will have to invest in some tools. Everyone should, at the very least, have a Lacrosse Ball in your self-care toolbox!
Should YOU buy The Book?
Yes, you SHOULD buy The Book if you:
- Believe in self-care and self-maintenance
- Already own or have read and have benefited from Becoming A Supple Leopard by Dr. Kelly Starrett
- Are tired of being in pain
- Haven’t yet find a Chiropractor, PT, or doctor who helps you make true, actual progress in your healing goals
- Have an abundance mindset and believe that a pain free body is achievable
- I purchased my copy directly at
No, you SHOULD NOT buy The Book if you:
- Don’t believes self-care or self-maintenance.
- Don’t yet have the ability to follow through–to keep promises to yourself–about daily self care.
- Have the opposite of an abundance mindset, which is a scarcity mindset. You can tell if you have a scarcity mindset if you say things to yourself like:
- $46.50 for a book is too damn expensive
- I’ll just buy the cheap foam roller
- I guess I’ll just have to live with this pain
Get Back To Elite Form
Dr. Lisa Erikson treats Angie Payne, Dave Graham, and Daniel Woods. Those 3 are some of the strongest, most accomplished climbers on Planet Earth. And this doctor helps these climbers get back to elite form after an injury. Should you listen to her advice?
Get to know Dr. Lisa Erikson on YouTube:
Is There A Misunderstanding with Chiropractic?
You get to shop for a Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, PT, or the like. My Chiropractor is my friend. In my life, I’ve been to 7 different chiros. Two of them are awesome. One was way to rough and aggressive. One was timid. One was too quick. Two were weird.
My chiro has adjusted just about every joint on my body – even when I partially dislocated my sternoclavicular joint while climbing in a corner. He has adjusted my elbows when I was having tendonitis issue. He’s adjusted my skull that made my sinuses immediately open up. I know – crazy!
This is what SHOULD NOT be happening when you seek help from a chiro:
This is what SHOULD be happening when you seek help from a chiro:
Climbing Injuries Solved
If you have ever been lucky enough to see the book One Move Too Many by Hochholzer and Schoeffl, last printed in 2003, you’ll see that this Climbing Injuries Solved is the updated and current version of those ideas. There is now no need to petition Petzl to bring One Move Too Many back into print.
My Recommendation
Climbing Injuries Solved should go into your health tool kit. But remember, if you buy it, YOU will have work to do. But, it is the good work — the kind that is going to help you finally become healthy, finally get over that injury, and finally help you feel strong!
Tools To Consider Adding To Your Wellness Toolbox
[…] person’s understanding of chiropractic is different. Every chiropractor is different. As I’ve written before, you get to shop for a Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, PT, or the like. In my life, I’ve been to […]