30 Day Ab Challenge WARNING Article at a Glance
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- What can you expect to happen to your body?
- Is this saying true for you: “You can’t out-exercise a poor diet.”
- Fat loss is controlled by many factors. Do not underestimate the power of your blood chemistry and hormone levels that are directly influenced by the fuel you put into your body.
People Are Hungry For Change
At the time of writing this, there are over 2 MILLION people signed up to do the 30 Day Ab Challenge. I applaud all of you. Do it. Try hard. Make it happen. Get a friend (or many friends) to take this challenge with you. I wish you all success!
On the surface, this a beautiful challenge. Just look at the number of people who are joining. Robyn has made it super easy to follow. And, over the 30 days, you’ll be challenged a little more each day. The workouts look short and sweet. You are very likely to have success with this type of challenge!
Expectations: Can This Challenge Give You 6-pack Abs?
YOU MUST BE BRUTALLY HONEST WITH YOURSELF IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE SUCCESS. You have to dig a little deeper inside of you. A new challenge may motivate you, but there is more! Where are you right now physically? Are you in shape, slightly out of shape, or way out of shape? Set your expectations accordingly. And if you are using this 30-day challenge to propel a long-term change, then you should already be looking at what you want to do for your body in July and August and beyond!
Would you like to have a “Brutally Honest” moment with yourself right now? Realize that you are already self-experimenting. Look at your body right now.
Many people won’t like this next questions: What in the world do you put in your body as fuel? If you are not honest with yourself, you will have a much harder time finding success in any health or weight loss program. I do not have the “what should I eat” answer for YOU. It might be a specific diet like Paleo, Ketogenic, Raw, etc. Finding out what works for you is YOUR job.
The most important idea I can share with you is that change takes time. Embrace that idea. It is okay to get disappointed. It is okay to blow your diet once or twice or more. Just don’t give up. If you mess it up or miss a day, just get back on track.
You can refer to this article about the Importance of Self-Experimentation and this article about persevering when you don’t see results for the first 30 days of a new diet or workout.
Can You Out-exercise A Poor Diet?
I am going to define a poor diet as one that does not include:
- peeling anything
- enough water
- fermented foods
and that does include:
- processed or packaged foods
- a lot of “white” foods (white flour, white sugar)
- too many unnecessary carbs
Here is why I am issuing this 30 Day Ab Challenge WARNING: If you are still in the calories in / calories out camp, just ask yourself what would happen if you went a diet of Doritos and Beer for 30 days, but still kept the calories the same as you normally eat, you know, 2000 calories a day. What will that do to your blood chemistry? Your hormones? Your sleep? The cascade effect?
The guys at Turbulence Training have a very thought provoking series of 4 Diet vs. Exercise videos. In a comical manner, it shows one guy quickly scarfing down 1000+ calories of food while another guy hits a treadmill and barely burns any calories in the same amount of time. The videos are worth a quick view.
Conclusion? I guarantee that you will find greater success with the 30 Day Ab Challenge if you make a few small changes to your diet. Those changes are up to you.
Maximize Your Results of the 30 Day Ab Challenge
Many of the most cutting edge self-experimenters and researchers know that (for most people) the number one factor that will help you lose weight is your understanding your own blood chemistry. In other words. What causes your body to maximize lipolysis? What are your insulin levels? How do you know if your diet is working? One tool available is blood testing at WellnessFX. Yes, blood testing costs money. And if you are not ready for that level of commitment, that is okay.
Staying committed for 30 days and beyond will give you the results you want even if you can’t test your blood.
A Few More Tools That May Help You
Here are a few online tools that I use to help me to sort out my data and make the best decisions that I can for ME.
Jason Clements is the founder of and writer for HCRBeta, Hike Climb Relax: How to… Jason has served as the President of the Kansas City Climbing Club. He lives in Shawnee, Kansas and also runs the cell phone recycling company, Cells for Cells, which recycles cell phones to raise money for families battling cancer. You can follow Jason on Facebook or on Twitter @jasonclements.
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