Kevin Brown is the owner of Friction Labs and the Denver Bouldering Club. Kevin sent me a sample of all three blends of his new chalk and you can read that review right here.
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HCRB: What makes Friction Labs climbing chalk so special?
Kevin: We use higher grade compounds to make our chalk. The end result is a chalk with very high Magnesium Carbonate and very low Calcium Carbonate. We also offer 3 different textures so climbers can pick their favorite.
HCRB: How in the world did you come up with the idea to make a chalk company?
Kevin: We grew frustrated at running out of chalk and being stuck with what ever the gym had in stock. We started researching chalk and found that there are a bunch of distributors out of China, so we went a different direction and researched all of the options and production methods. From there we went to the lab and got to work. Right away we felt a difference, had all of our friends try it and they all said it was way better. We knew we had a better product, so we figured out texture and started offering subscriptions, so you never had to be with out your favorite chalk.
HCRB: What is the inspiration behind the names Bam Bam, Gorilla Grip, Unicorn Dust?
Kevin: We like to have fun. We have a scientifically engineered product, so we wanted to add some fun. Some how the names came up and Vogel’s came up with the images. Its been a great surprise to see how well people respond to the names.
HCRB: How long between “Friction Labs” as an idea and your first big sale?
Kevin: It took awhile, 6 months.
HCRB: Describe the feeling when a rock climber tells you that your chalk is amazing?
Kevin: Its awesome to be a part of a fellow climber’s success. We get amazing notes fro climbers about how they sent their project using our chalk. As climbers we appreciate being a part of another’s success.
HCRB: You use the “subscribe and save” model for sales. How is that working for you?
Kevin: Most climbers have been left with buy in bulk and hoard. We offer one time purchases of our largest size, 10 oz, but the majority of climbers opt for the subscription. Its convenient, cost effective, and we include a little something extra in all of the subscription orders. I think people really appreciate it, month 2 and beyond. They made their purchase and everything just shows up when you need it.
HCRB: What is the best way for fans to connect with you / Friction Labs?
Kevin: Facebook and Instagram, or they can always email at
HCRB: How do I get some of those awesome stickers or t-shirts?
Kevin: I’ll send some down. Anyone can buy shirts through our site and stickers come with orders.
HCRB: How long have you been a climber?
Kevin: A little over 18 years.
HCRB: How long have you owned the Denver Bouldering Club?
Kevin: Almost 7 years now, its something I’m very proud to be a part of.
HCRB: What makes the Denver Bouldering Club so special?
Kevin: The 24/7 access…the setting…the holds…the vibe. Its so friendly and supportive, but you also have super fun climbs of all levels.
HCRB: What are your keys for having an awesome gym sesh?
Kevin: Great chalk…no seriously, I think its important to have a focus of what you’re working on and get after it. Try hard and have fun.
HCRB: Where is your favorite place to climb outside?
Kevin: Mt. Evans. That place is magical.
HCRB: What three things do you personally need for an outdoor trip to be fulfilling?
Kevin: Good company, good boulders, and good weather…even if you get 2 out of 3, it will be a great day.
HCRB: List three tips for someone just starting out rock climbing or bouldering?
Kevin: Have fun, wear comfortable shoes and climb with fun people.
Friction Labs is awesome. Kevin sent me a personal email once to help us out with our gym model and help generate more sales based on the Denver Bouldering Club. Really friendly group and have helped out a ton for events.